Sunday, July 13, 2014

Reflection: Module 7

"Susie spent hours collecting and curating resources for her upcoming unit on cells. She is able to successfully use much of what she has found when implementing her plans.

The following year, when it is time to begin the unit on cells again, Susie forgets about the resources she curated. She essentially starts from scratch, performing the task of searching, saving, and sorting once again."

My response to this situation would have to be to get organized. With the vast amount of information and sources, there is bound to be information and sources lost if you do not have a way to organize them. Suzie wouldn't be in the situation she is in with the second year if only she had used various technologies or other record keeping methods to organize her information. With programs such as Symbaloo, it is easy to gather up sources and information and group them together for future reference. I believe Symbaloo could actually be a great tool for keeping those sources together and accessable. 
Part of the plan is to plan. Where are you going to store this information? Where will it be that it is readily available as needed? Make source gathering a part of every unit so that it stays fresh in your mind that you have a resource such as Symbaloo that helps you. Keep notes on each unit you do, where you might have resources, and keep that together for future planning days. Being organized will make the world of difference and keep your load lighter, unlike Suzie. 

1 comment:

  1. Kimberly, I love it. Get organized. In today's technological age there really is no excuse not to be.
